Welcome To Fajandar Education
Independence day Celebration
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Science Exhibition
Event in Fajandar Education Institute
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Sports Day in Fajandar English School
On Campus
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Staff Members
of Fajandar English School and Junior College
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Event in Fajandar Education Institute
Filiation Ceremony
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English Medium Staff
Fajandar Education Trust
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Our Vision

With enriched imagination, rich ideas and lofty ideals We, alongwith our experienced, dedicated and committed staff, are busy having perfectly practical activity-based programmes to transform young kids into responsible and confident individuals to act as builders and architects of the nation in the days to come

Our Mission

With the sole aim and well-defined practical ways and means, we have promissed to keep our endeavours and efforts to add a lot of healthy, responsible, productive, God- fearing and accountable individuals each year to contribute our mite to the society and the Nation.

Our Goal

To cause and ensure all-round development. To develop a healthy, balanced and positive attitude for society. To provide immensely needed moral based education. An essential component and Asset of a balanced personality.

Welcome To Fajandar Education Trust

       Originally the organization had root back in 1923 as Fajandar English School, whose chairman was Khan Saheb Mohammed Hussain Fajandar. This was one of the few and reputed schools in whole of the konkan area near Bombay. During the era of Khan SahebFajandar,the charismatic leaders like maulanaShaukat Ali Saheb, the chairman of the drafting committee,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar,  Sane Guruji Senapati bapat, Balasahebkhear Gujrat and Mumbai Chief minister had given their visit in the institution and made us proud. Sir Shahnwaz Bhutto was given the sipasnama by this institution. Konkan is one of the most backward area in educational as well as other fields. Especially minorities from this area are educational and economically most backward people in Maharashtra states. In 1958 when there were hardly four five schools in Kolaba district, now in Raigad district. It was felt that this originally educational organization should be reviewed. The situation for girls of the area was so grin that not a single could be educated beyond primary labour. For this reason, Fajandar high school was re-established in 1958 with the efforts of the three brothers- 1) Abbas Mia Fajandar,  2) Abdul Gani Fajandar and 3)Abdul Razzak Fajandar. An educational trust was setup which got government recognition in 1960 namely Fajandar education trust. The school grew in strength and reputation so much that a residential hostel had to be built for boys coming from far places such as Ratnagiri, Kalyan and Mumbai, where there were 150 boarders with subsidisedexpense. The school has been producing students who have becomeengineers, doctors, civil servant, advocated, barristers, teachers and politicians, etc. The strength of the school has reached 1000 al thought the minority population of the Vahoor village is 1500 in the last census, the school was strengthen further by starting higher secondary section, and because of this thousands of students are benefitted and join in different part of administration, social welfareinstitutions and government department. They are serving the nation as well as community of the people. Our institutions has produced politicians like Maharashtra’s first Muslim chief minister and central government health minister, honourable A.R. AntulaySaheb servers the people ofIndia. Doctor Abdul RazzaqRumane, a scientist in quality management in construction who wasone of the five hundred scientists of the worldawarded in U.S. there are doctors practicing abroad in U.K., U.S., and Gulf. They are serving in reputed hospitals in Mumbai, like Saifee hospital, Hiranandani hospital and Mumbai hospital. Our institution produces scientist like doctor Abdul Wajid N.A. Wahid, a research scholar in Xoma(U.S.)ofTorrento and serving the people of the world. Mr.HanifPurkar, a gold medallist of Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar technological University, Lonere is a product of this institution. We’re proud of these students who topped as well serving the nation. Our S.S.C. and H.S.C.results are always above 90-98%. The institute has big role in producing quality students in the remote area.We have good buildings, laboratories and sports ground. We have constructed an assembly hall which is to be refurbished in near future. We run a study centre of Maulana Azad university of Hyderabadin _____________by the efforts of ex-principalMr. N.A. Wahid, whose students are spread in the whole world remembering him. Many couples, elders who dreamt higher education and could not achieve because of poor financing situations gets the degree by passing the degree course. The said study centre has a strength of 600 students from B.A., B.Com, and B.Sc. to M.Phil. and Ph.D. These married woman and working people get the admissions and completes their half way study which was topped due to financial crisis of their family. Thetrust has started a branch in every remote area, a village at the bottom of hill of Poladpur at Wave. We have English medium schools last year to compete educational competition in near future. We have got the Adarsh school award of government of Maharashtra. We further propose for a degree college of Mumbai university and M.B.A. degree courses as well short termed courses to be tied up from the foreign universities which will make out students of these remote backward area, a top most and upcoming in the field of education. Our student should compete the student of the metro city where everything is facilitated. We have national cadet course and many students are trained for security and discipline. Our students achieve prizes in sports and reach up to state level sports competition. Our enthusiastic chairman Abdulrauf Fajandar has taken charge of educational upliftment and struggling hard to lift the quality of education, good discipline and many more educational courses to start and give the opportunity to go further and progress and improve in educational qualities. This little star of education, which enlighten the educational facilities assure the people of the area to provide super qualities and good success in the educational fields. We have a bilateral planning regarding progress of our students so that they could progress in every sphere of life in the future.  The students of this institution are in the world spread over.

Distinctive Features

Quraan Hifz

JEE Center

Study center of M.A.N.U. University since last 10 years.

N.C.C. Unit –

Interactive lectures & Classroom Projects.

Audio – Video Learning Method.

Minority (Pre-Post Matric) Scholarship.

Quraan Hifz
Distinctive Features
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JEE Center
Study center of M.A.N.U. University since last 10 years.
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N.C.C. Unit
Interactive lectures & Classroom Projects. ________________________________________ Audio - Video Learning Method. ________________________________________ Minority (Pre-Post Matric) Scholarship
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Award Fuction

Award Winning Function in Fajandar Education Trust for Best Teacher Award on 2021